Welcome back to all of you Wise Old Owls!
In this article we take a novel look at learning to learn and the expression of knowledge learned as wisdom.
To do so, we will begin with a view of "knowledge" as being a cycle of Feelings, Thoughts and Experience, alongside a view of Wisdom being a cycle of Discernment, Awareness and Application. Further, we will allow that these two cycles are superimposed, one over the other, with the chief distinguishing characteristic being that knowledge invokes mind and matter whereas wisdom draws in the components of heart and soul. At the end of our study, we will consider the opportunity of expressing our wisdom through the written or spoken word--thus, Leaving a Legacy.
First, let's address the tools of Feelings and Discernment with three I's: Intuition, Imagination and Illumination. Feelings are natural and common to us all. Housed within, they are the language of our souls and often defy words. Feelings, in and of themselves, are pure. They speak to us from within.. They are what they are. Here's a step-by-step recipe for Divinity Within! Open one soul full of feelings and with intuition sift contents, discerning and then discarding any negative, hurtful impulses or energy. Now add a full cup of imagination and stir until well-blended. The mixture will enter a reactive process known as idea creation. Take the newly formed ideas and whip into a light and fluffy batter. Transfer immediately to a still, quiet mind and allow to rest until at least double in size. Without disturbing, observe the illumination process taking place. When desired state of peacefulness is achieved, enjoy! Repeat these steps as often as necessary.
Next come Thoughts and Awareness, the language of the mind. During periods of peak performance, adults increase energy consumption in the brain by up to 50%. Here I will employ the three R's--not reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic--but instead, Reasoning, Reaching and Realizing. The process of thought used to support conclusions or explain facts is called reasoning. Reasoning is the power of comprehension and inference--the sum of our intellectual powers. Reaching, however, goes beyond that. Reaching is the process of stretching, expanding, and even straining. It is in fact, thinking outside the box! In our knowing that we do not know, we open ourselves to paths of greater knowledge. When utilizing both reasoning, that which we already know, and reaching, expanding to gather in that which we do not yet know but desire to know, we come to the awareness of realizing, our third R. Realizing is the portal of thought which brings new knowledge into existence. With it we conceive vividly and make to appear real that which previously was not.
Lastly, we address the most powerful communicators, Experience and Application. When feelings and thought alone or in combination are not sufficient to teach, experience and application can and will, even if repeated efforts are required. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! So let us examine now, the three S's: Skills, Senses, and Success. Skills in experience is the ability to execute effectively through performance. Doing our best! Giving our all! Going the distance! And our Senses? That's using all of our faculties to perceive--the capacity for effective application of the powers of the mind as a basis for action or response. How empowering is it to fully use our senses and our skills as we experience life? Simply put, it produces the greatest outcome, the most beneficial result! In a word, Success! Learning to learn through experience is learning through the school of hard knocks. Most of us have not only the diploma, but the hat and the cup, as well!
Now that we've taken a look at the learning cycles of knowledge and wisdom, we come to a final frontier of the ways of wisdom: Leaving a Legacy. This is an opportunity to share what we've learned. Sharing allows us to experience the greatest blessing of wisdom. In All I Ever Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Robert Fulghum begins by reminding us, "Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sandpile at Sunday School. These are the things I learned: Share Everything!" Yes, share everything! It does no good to stand at the top of a mountain alone--it is in the sharing of the magnificence of the beauty you see that your greatest joy is realized. So, take this opportunity, through leaving a legacy, to help others along their way…
Remember when you recreated the wheel? Your trials and errors? The tangents and side roads and blind alleys? The wanting to give up? The losing control? Then the still small voice? And exercising your faith? And then your will power? Remember getting up again and forging ahead? Against all odds? Recall making progress? Believing again? Hoping again? Reclaiming a dream? Then another? Remember dreaming bigger? The subtle changes in course? The gentle persuasions? The nudges? Do you remember your moments of Aha! Eureka! That's it! I think I've got it! Wow! Do you remember standing in your moment of Now and celebrating? Do you recall your gratitude? Your peacefulness?
If so, then it's time to share that by leaving your legacy to help others along their way. The ways of wisdom---Learning to Learn---Leaving a Legacy---If the time is right, the time is right now. Please join us at http://www.TellingTouch.com
In Unity,
The Ways Of Wisdom: Learning To Learn And Leaving A Legacy
Posted by Wolex Akinloye | 6:44 PM | The Ways Of Wisdom: Learning To Learn And Leaving A Legacy | 0 comments »
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