There is one key factor that makes the difference between those who fully eliminate panic attacks from their lives and those who do not. The key ingredient is not medication, lifestyle changes, or relaxation exercises. It is when the individual no longer fears the thought of having a panic attack.

This may seem like a simplified and obvious observation but give it careful consideration. The one thing that has you searching for a solution to anxiety and panic attacks this very moment is the fear of having another one.

The first time a person experiences a panic attack it can feel like their world is falling down around them. Nowhere feels safe as the anxiety becomes like a stalker lurking in the background.

When this happens people begin to either avoid situations that make them anxious or they medicate themselves to the point where they are numb to the fear. I am sure you will agree neither of the above is a satisfactory solution.

After a person experiences a panic attack for the first time, the experience can be so impacting that it leaves a strong imprint on the persons psyche. This mental imprint generates a cycle or loop of anxiety (see diagram) whereby the person develops an unhealthy fear of having another panic attack. People can spend anywhere from months to years caught in this repetitive cycle of anxiety.

Panic Away teaches a technique that now allows that person to break the cycle of anxiety and return to normal everyday living.

The really unique element of the technique, is that there is no need for you to regress into your past and find out why you had your initial panic attack in order to get results. All that is needed is your willingness to break out of the anxiety cycle. Are you ready to try this right now ?

In the end you must

You are trying hard to eliminate your loans but keep falling back on your old ways. This constantly leads you back to square one situation and debts seem like they are ever increasing. This is the time to go for debt elimination. The good news is that you are not alone, if you are thinking about debt elimination. The bad news is you still haven’t really started this journey. That means you are still in debt.

It is always difficult to know which way to start from. Average household debt in UK is £44857 including mortgage and £7,694 excluding mortgage.UK has seen a rapid increase in household debts which means that more than half of the people have trouble meeting their monthly payments, and being driven further and further into debt. With an average family having 14 credit cards, and various other debts – debt elimination seems only logical. However, debt elimination doesn’t always seem easy.

Before going for debt elimination, you have to understand your debt situation. Understanding debt elimination is equally necessary. Then only you would be able to decide which one would eliminate both the creditors and debts from your life. You have an interesting compilation to choose from. Debt elimination includes – debt consolidation loans, debt management, debt consolidation, debt negotiation, debt settlement, debt counselling etc.

Debt consolidation loans are a very popular way to debt elimination. Overdue bills payment, each month, is devastating for financial freedom. Debt consolidation loans can certainly reduce your monthly payments and your interest rates. Debt elimination with debt consolidation reduces your debt by consolidating all your credit card debts, auto loans, education loans, unsecured loans into a single loan. You can save a lot while moving towards debt elimination.

A very important process in debt elimination is debt management. Debt management looks for a financial plan that suits your financial circumstance. A debt elimination plan would consolidate all your unsecured debts into single, affordable monthly payment. This payment is carefully calculated by a trained debt consultant, who with the debtor’s assistance reviews their financial position and quote a payment which ensures financial control. This amount is calculated keeping in mind the monthly expenses of the debtor. This debt elimination sees to it that the debtor doesn’t miss any of his commitment like mortgage, rent, car finance, utility bills etc.

Debt elimination with debt counselling can provide you with debt advice for financial planning. This sort of debt elimination would prevent you from getting into future debt. Debt counselling services can talk to your creditors about reducing interest rate, eliminating late fees and extending loan term. For debt elimination, search a debt counselling agency that is the member of National Foundation for Credit Counselling (NFCC) or the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies (AICCCA).

Debt elimination through debt negotiation is one of the fastest ways to remove credit card debts and personal loans while avoiding bankruptcy. By negotiating debt, debt can be reduced by 40%-60%. Debt elimination via negotiation is like the last resort. The lender has little enthusiasm to work out reconciliation for a payless on the full amount. Hence, debt negotiation is a tricky situation and should be handled by a reliable debt negotiator. Yet, at times debt elimination through negotiation is the only logical solution. Under normal circumstances debt counselling should be the first step.

Debts are not meant to be a permanent affair. It is one affair you will regret unquestionably. Debt elimination is the beginning of the road called debt free. You cannot separate one from the other. They are related and go hand in hand with each other. If you have struggled a good deal with loans and that too with unsuccessful results then debt elimination is meant for you. The destination called debt free begins with debt elimination.

Author Info:

After having herself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice. Her articles endeavor to provide you the wise counsel in the most elementary way for the benefit of the readers. She hopes that this will help them to locate the loan that beseems their expectations. She works for the UK debt consolidation web site uk debt consolidations.To find a debt consolidation loans,debt management,debt advicec that best suits your needs visit

Invoke the secret of “I Am” as part of your spiritual growth and the law of attraction will match whatever you declare your self to be. This is critical spirituality information that can transform your life.

Your vision has to do with you. Nobody else, just you. You cannot control the thinking and speaking of others, except through your example, so you need to focus on you. This is critical to the creative process, which of course is the process of life.

You are the key to your own evolution and, if this is so (and it is), then you need to be conscious of the words that can help you or hinder you as you journey down your evolutionary path.

If your desire is to form a vision of the person that you want to be and then move toward that vision, then you can use a few tools to help you achieve that goal. The first tool to use this concept called “clarity of purpose.” Always retain this idea as being critical to your evolvement because you will always be in the process of seeking clarity.

This continual seeking of clarity involves your words and how powerful they are because they are the second level of creation. Everything starts with a thought. We then select the thoughts that we wish to pursue and begin the creative process. To take your thought and move it to the next level of creation, you take that thought and move it from the internal world of thought to the external world of physicality via the written or spoken word.

Words give more power to your thoughts and create at a higher level. That is why it is so important to be conscious of what you say and how you say it. Now that you know the power of your words, and their relationship to how you create your world and your life, I am going to reveal to you the most powerful two words in the universe.

When these two words are spoken, the universal mind sits up and takes notice. When these two words are spoken, the universe has no choice but to be aware of their presence and accord them the true, authentic power they possess.

The two words that have the power to change your life and the world we live in are “I am.”

The great “I am” that the mystics and poets of all times have told us about are the direct conduit to the ear of God.

God, herself, said it best when she stated, “I am that I am”. Everything that exists in the physical and nonphysical is encompassed in this omniscient statement. “I am that I am.” Want to play with this? Check this out, “I 'am', that I am”. How about this, “I am that, I am.” Or “I, am that, I, am.”

Hey, “I am that I am.” This is God describing God. This is you describing you. These are words. These are powerful words of creation. The universe hears these words and says, “Yes, you are.” You are making a powerful statement to the universe and the universe must respond.

So use this key when you choose to move toward your vision. If part of your vision is that you are wise, then declare to the universe “I am wisdom.” The universe recognizes the great “I am” and then proceeds to reflect back that which you declare yourself to “be.”

If part of your vision is that you have clarity of the life process, then exclaim to the universe, “I am clarity.” The universe must respond to this verbal declaration.

Whatever you choose as your vision can be broken down into declarative statements that display aspects of who you choose to “be.” Then speak those words that describe your chosen “beingness” so that you can “be” the person that you hold in your vision.

Mahatma Gandhi told us how to be this. He said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” A simple concept that can change the world one person at a time. It all starts with you.

You can't change other people except by your example. You are doing that right now, except you are probably unconscious of that fact. The example you set for the world by living your life the way you do is changing the world. Is this current example of your life the one that you truly want as representative of who you really are?

While aspects of you encourage, "Go for your dreams," simultaneously other parts threaten, "Don't you dare." A cast of characters lives inside of you and at different times you may receive conflicting or contradictory messages. If you are want to be happy, successful, and fulfilled, consider putting your "dreamer" in the director's chair.

What are the voices inside of you saying? As you turn the volume up on the voice of your dreamer and down on the voice of your doubter, you can practice discernment allowing for greater clarity. To assist you in hearing these voices, let's set up a simple scenario. Picture something you want, something that matters to you. Choose a personal or professional dream and consider how these various parts of you might respond.

Dreamer - The dreamer inside says, "What if..." and is open to a creative process without over-analyzing it. This is the part of you that imagines, believes in possibilities, has hope, and seeks kindred spirits. Dreamers talk about their ideas with intention, clarity, and passion. Great dreamers get others excited about their vision. And most importantly, successful dreamers take action to make their dreams a reality.

Doubter - This voice is often heard saying such things as, "I don't think this is a good idea." The doubter provides concern touting, "But what if..." and imagines the worst. If you crank the volume up it can even become annihilating with accusations shouting things like, "Are you out of your mind?" William Shakespeare said, "Our doubts are traitors." Carlos Castaneda said, "In order to experience the magic of life, you must banish the doubt." My favorite quote on this subject is in The Prophet where Kahlil Gibran wrote, "Doubt is a feeling too lonely to know that Faith is its twin brother."

Realist - "Be realistic..." Modulate the doubter down a notch or two and it becomes the essential voice of the realist. This part wants to know, "What's the plan?" including where is the time and money coming from. However, in the early phase of dreaming, you may not know. The challenge is not to allow the realist to immediately turn into a doubter who might judge or obliterate your idea. Honor this voice by (to the best of your ability) giving it the information it needs. If you ignore or reject it, it will cleverly agitate or distract you. Being realistic offers prudence and makes you do your homework but if you are overly realistic or go to strategy too soon, you will most likely compromise the dream and kill your passion.

Visionary - This voice says, "Anything is possible so let's dream big!" These are the leaders and people we look up to and admire. They have learned the process of realizing their dreams and embody what it means to be a big dreamer. Setbacks or failures do not stop them. Simply put, a visionary has a vision and invites others to join them. They are found in all walks of life and we are often so inspired when they are in the presence of a true visionary that we sign up just to be near them or part of what they're doing.

A visionary is not defined by the size of the dream since dreams are precious and come in all sizes, shapes and areas of life. If you were living your dream life, how would it be different? What do you see yourself doing? How many lives would you touch? What would you change? Who would you help if you were truly living as a visionary?

Avoid Sabotaging Your Dream

When these different voices merge they can become muddled and result in confusion and poor decisions. For example, you might poison your dream by projecting doubt into it. Then with each step you take toward what you want, you also move toward your doubt. Doubt and fear, which most of us may have at some time or another (especially when embarking on a new or big dream) do not belong in your dream. These feelings are simply part of your reality. This is a subtle and essential point.

Here's a simple technique for avoiding this sabotaging pattern. On a piece of paper draw a line across the middle. On the top half write out your dream with as much detail as possible. On the bottom write out your reality in relationship to your dream, where you are now. Reality usually includes good news and (so called) bad, as well as any fear or doubt you may have. Just state the facts and your feelings about them.

Now, which one are you more committed to; your dream or your reality? We tend to choose "reality" when we don't have a clearly defined dream or when we saturate our dream with doubt. If your dream is loaded with your worst imagined nightmares, reality will always seem safer and saner. But doubt placed appropriately as part of your reality, allows two things to happen. First, no longer blown out of proportion, it's an obstacle that basically requires a strategy to manage it. But more importantly, with doubt where it rightfully belongs, you are free to move forward.

It's like a play. All the characters have wisdom and insight, but you can't clearly understand them when they're speaking at once. Take time to tune in, to listen, and on a regular basis, have the courage to give your dreamer its directorial debut or even the leading role.

About the Author

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Welcome back to all of you Wise Old Owls!
In this article we take a novel look at learning to learn and the expression of knowledge learned as wisdom.

To do so, we will begin with a view of "knowledge" as being a cycle of Feelings, Thoughts and Experience, alongside a view of Wisdom being a cycle of Discernment, Awareness and Application. Further, we will allow that these two cycles are superimposed, one over the other, with the chief distinguishing characteristic being that knowledge invokes mind and matter whereas wisdom draws in the components of heart and soul. At the end of our study, we will consider the opportunity of expressing our wisdom through the written or spoken word--thus, Leaving a Legacy.

First, let's address the tools of Feelings and Discernment with three I's: Intuition, Imagination and Illumination. Feelings are natural and common to us all. Housed within, they are the language of our souls and often defy words. Feelings, in and of themselves, are pure. They speak to us from within.. They are what they are. Here's a step-by-step recipe for Divinity Within! Open one soul full of feelings and with intuition sift contents, discerning and then discarding any negative, hurtful impulses or energy. Now add a full cup of imagination and stir until well-blended. The mixture will enter a reactive process known as idea creation. Take the newly formed ideas and whip into a light and fluffy batter. Transfer immediately to a still, quiet mind and allow to rest until at least double in size. Without disturbing, observe the illumination process taking place. When desired state of peacefulness is achieved, enjoy! Repeat these steps as often as necessary.

Next come Thoughts and Awareness, the language of the mind. During periods of peak performance, adults increase energy consumption in the brain by up to 50%. Here I will employ the three R's--not reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic--but instead, Reasoning, Reaching and Realizing. The process of thought used to support conclusions or explain facts is called reasoning. Reasoning is the power of comprehension and inference--the sum of our intellectual powers. Reaching, however, goes beyond that. Reaching is the process of stretching, expanding, and even straining. It is in fact, thinking outside the box! In our knowing that we do not know, we open ourselves to paths of greater knowledge. When utilizing both reasoning, that which we already know, and reaching, expanding to gather in that which we do not yet know but desire to know, we come to the awareness of realizing, our third R. Realizing is the portal of thought which brings new knowledge into existence. With it we conceive vividly and make to appear real that which previously was not.

Lastly, we address the most powerful communicators, Experience and Application. When feelings and thought alone or in combination are not sufficient to teach, experience and application can and will, even if repeated efforts are required. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! So let us examine now, the three S's: Skills, Senses, and Success. Skills in experience is the ability to execute effectively through performance. Doing our best! Giving our all! Going the distance! And our Senses? That's using all of our faculties to perceive--the capacity for effective application of the powers of the mind as a basis for action or response. How empowering is it to fully use our senses and our skills as we experience life? Simply put, it produces the greatest outcome, the most beneficial result! In a word, Success! Learning to learn through experience is learning through the school of hard knocks. Most of us have not only the diploma, but the hat and the cup, as well!

Now that we've taken a look at the learning cycles of knowledge and wisdom, we come to a final frontier of the ways of wisdom: Leaving a Legacy. This is an opportunity to share what we've learned. Sharing allows us to experience the greatest blessing of wisdom. In All I Ever Really Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Robert Fulghum begins by reminding us, "Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sandpile at Sunday School. These are the things I learned: Share Everything!" Yes, share everything! It does no good to stand at the top of a mountain alone--it is in the sharing of the magnificence of the beauty you see that your greatest joy is realized. So, take this opportunity, through leaving a legacy, to help others along their way…

Remember when you recreated the wheel? Your trials and errors? The tangents and side roads and blind alleys? The wanting to give up? The losing control? Then the still small voice? And exercising your faith? And then your will power? Remember getting up again and forging ahead? Against all odds? Recall making progress? Believing again? Hoping again? Reclaiming a dream? Then another? Remember dreaming bigger? The subtle changes in course? The gentle persuasions? The nudges? Do you remember your moments of Aha! Eureka! That's it! I think I've got it! Wow! Do you remember standing in your moment of Now and celebrating? Do you recall your gratitude? Your peacefulness?

If so, then it's time to share that by leaving your legacy to help others along their way. The ways of wisdom---Learning to Learn---Leaving a Legacy---If the time is right, the time is right now. Please join us at

In Unity,

If you knew you had one last talk to give, what would it be? Carnegie Mellon University hosts lecturers from around the world each year. The premise is, if you had one last lecture to give, what would it be? For Randy Pausch, it was very literal. He has pancreatic cancer and his doctors told him he only has 6 months left to live.

His last lecture focused on many things, but really on how you should live your life if you want to achieve your dreams and goals. There is a surprise ending and I will not ruin that for you here. You can watch the entire 76 minute talk or the condensed version on Oprah (only 10 minutes long).

You need to make time to watch this video. You will not be disappointed in the long version.

What would you talk about if you had one more talk to give? Have you lived a good life? Was it free of stress? Have you remained healthy? Have you reached your goals and have many of your dreams come true?

Did you use your unique gifts and talents to enrich the lives of others and make this world a better place, or did you wander through life while putting your time in at a job you hated, only to pay your bills?

Maybe it is time to step back from it all and put everything in perspective. Take a fresh look at your life and what you want to accomplish. Put forth a plan of action to make it happen. It is time to get off the sidelines and play!

About the Author

Justin Lukasavige is a Personal & Business Coach and owner of Lukas Coaching. Visit for a ton of free tools to help you improve your health, finances, business, career & life!

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